The Circle of Fire Tag

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

Before you learned to speak, you loved with no effort, you forgave with no effort. It was natural to love; it was natural to forgive. But then you learned how to behave from other people who didn’t love, who didn’t forgive. Today, if...

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

Everything that exists is a manifestation of one being, and it manifests through messengers. The word “angel” means messenger, and messengers deliver the will of the one being.

The supreme messenger is light. Light is alive, a...

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

You are here to be happy, to live your life, and to express what you are. You were created to perceive the beauty of creation and to live your life in love. But if you cannot find the love inside you, the whole world can love you, and it...

The Four Agreements
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